Bruce Jenner: I Have Skin Cancer

For all the crazy rumors about the cast of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" there are out there, this is definitely not one of them. Bruce Jenner, who raised eyebrows when he was spotted wearing a bandage on his nose Tuesday, has revealed that he's recovering from skin cancer.
"I was diagnosed with a form of Melanoma called Basal cell carcinoma and have undergone Mohs surgery to remove it," the 63-year-old former track and field Olympian told E! News.
"I have been struggling with this for several years and appreciate all of the support and prayers while I continue to fight the battle against skin cancer."
The avid golfer added that, "This has taught me to be extra vigilant when out in the sun and I encourage others to get regular checkups and always wear sunscreen."
Jenner also underwent surgery in January 2012 to remove a cancerous legion from his cheek.
Thankfully, someone described as a "Jenner family source" tells the reality fam's home network that Jenner has been given an excellent prognosis.
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