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Saturday 31 August 2013

Kilang Yang Terbakar Menjadi Beku Selepas Disiram (gambar)

Sebuah kilang yang tidak digunakan lagi di Chicago telah terbakar. Sekumpulan 170 orang bomba telah datang untuk memadamkan api. Tetapi makin mereka padam, bangunan itu semakin diliputi oleh ais. Akhirnya seluruh kawasannya beku.

Lesap Disambar Buaya


Sydney: Seorang lelaki hilang selepas disambar seekor buaya di depan sekurang-kurangnya 15 orang ketika dia berenang di sebuah sungai di utara Australia, kelmarin.

 Polis di Wilayah Utara berkata, lelaki berkenaan berada di Pusat Percutian Sungai Mary bersama-sama sekumpulan kawannya untuk menyambut hari ulang tahun kelahiran rakan mereka apabila dia terjun ke sungai itu untuk berenang. “Yang lain melihat dia berenang merentasi sungai itu apabila seekor buaya menyambarnya,” kata Sarjan Geoff Bahnert.

 Gerakan dilancar untuk mencari lelaki berkenaan tetapi sehingga semalam mangsa tidak berjaya ditemui. Menurut laporan, lelaki itu tidak mengendahkan amaran supaya tidak berenang di sungai berkenaan kerana terdedah kepada serangan buaya. “Kami memberitahu setiap pengunjung ke sini supaya jauhi sungai itu. Tetapi ada yang tidak mempedulikannya, termasuk lelaki itu. Kami sudah maklumkan kepada mereka bahawa ia penuh dengan buaya, antara sungai paling banyak haiwan itu di sini. Setiap beberapa kilometer ada buaya besar,” kata seorang petugas pusat itu.

 Buaya air masin yang boleh membesar sehingga tujuh meter dan berat melebihi satu tan banyak terdapat di wilayah utara Australia. Mereka dilindungi pada 1970-an dan sejak itu jumlahnya meningkat. Disember lalu, seorang budak berusia sembilan tahun disambar haiwan itu ketika berenang di Wilayah Utara, sebulan selepas seorang kanak-kanak perempuan berumur tujuh tahun hilang, juga ketika berenang di di kawasan berkenaan.

Syria strike targets: White House has likely narrowed down options, experts say

By Matthew DeLuca, Staff Writer, NBC News While the world waits to see whether the United States will respond with military force to the suspected use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government against its own citizens, defense officials have likely been formulating attack plans ever since the president declared the use of such weapons a “red line,” experts said.

 “They probably had some strike options in planning for quite some time,” said Ret. Col. Peter Mansoor, a professor of military history at Ohio State University who was Gen. David Petraeus’ executive officer in Iraq. “These plans have been batted back and forth at this point for some time now.” Advertise | AdChoices 

President Barack Obama held a National Security Council meeting at the White House on Friday morning regarding Syria, officials told NBC News.

Later, the administration made a forceful case for limited U.S. military action, releasing evidence the Syrian government had used chemical weapons against civilians multiple times in the past year and saying the "indiscriminate, inconceivable horror'' could not go unpunished. Traffic continued to flow with little sense of panic in Damascus, Syria, on Saturday, even as the shelling of rebel-held districts continued. Bakeries will stay open 24 hours a day to cope with what the Syrian government has called "foreign aggression," according to correspondent Bill Neely.

“I think a lot of the conversations are finished and they’re basically waiting for the execute order here from the president,” said Jeffrey White, a defense fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a D.C.-based think tank.

“I would think that they would have narrowed the options way down,” White said. “I can’t say whether there’s just one he’s going to decide on. He may well have a couple, two or three, he could decide on.”

 The White House has so far not received the widespread political and popular support it would most likely want before engaging in military action, with top administration officials including Secretary of State John Kerry working to gather congressional backing on Thursday. The British Parliament voted down a proposal for a military strike against Syria, and an NBC News poll released on Friday morning showed that half the American population said the U.S. should not intervene.

“Some cite the risk of doing things,” Secretary of State John Kerry said in prepared remarks Friday, as a U.S. government preliminary assessment determined that 1,429 people were killed in the Aug. 21 attack. “We have to ask what is the risk of doing nothing.”

 Four U.S. Navy destroyers waited in the Mediterranean on Friday, armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles that are each capable of carrying a 1,000-pound bomb. Yet even the super-accurate Tomahawks cannot take out dangerous chemical weapons facilities directly, said Aaron David Miller, a distinguished scholar at the Wilson Center. That means even the most narrowly targeted strike could likely include direct hits on the Syrian military arms that carry them. Mc1 Woody Shag Paschall / Handou / EPA US guided-missile destroyer USS Preble conducting an operational tomahawk missile launch while underway in a training area off the coast of California, USA.

 “Syria is the single largest repository of this stuff [chemical weapons], so as a consequence you go after the delivery systems, fuel depots, airways, command and control,” Miller said. “And then you broaden it out from there to go to artillery units that have lost these things, aircraft that have dropped them.” Advertise | AdChoices

 The U.S. military has weapons other than Tomahawk missiles that could be used to target chemical weapons facilities with the objective of destroying the stockpiles, Mansoor said.

 In a July letter to the Senate Committee on Armed Services, Gen. Martin Dempsey said that American military forces were prepared for a number of options, including training the Syrian opposition, establishing a no-fly zone, and conducting strikes “to prevent the use or proliferation of chemical weapons.”

 “We do this by destroying portions of Syria’s massive stockpile, interdicting its movement and delivery, or by seizing and securing program components,” Dempsey wrote in July, saying that seizing control of the majority of the regime’s chemical weapon supply would involve ground troops. “At a minimum, this option would call for a no-fly zone as well as air and missile strikes involving hundreds of aircraft, ships, submarines, and other enablers.”

In the event of a strike of any size, it may take days or longer to determine the effect on Assad's power.

“How do you measure the impact we had on the Syrian regime’s thinking about the situation? That’s tricky, and can only be measured if we see a response and a change in behavior,” White said.

At best, a strike could show that the U.S. is serious about the deteriorating situation in Syria, Mansoor said, while at worst it could convince Assad that Obama has played his one hand. After limited, separate cruise missile strikes against al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan and Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in the late 1990s, the targets were only "emboldened," he said, as it seemed the U.S. was not "willing to do something even more."

And while the administration may have narrowed down its strike plans, decisions can be made right up to the time cruise missiles are fired or bombs are dropped, White said.

“I remember a case in a previous administration, I won’t get into the details, where the president was presented with targets to strike and he looked at the images and he said, ‘What’s this over here?’ and he was told what it was,” White said. “And he said, ‘OK, why don’t we hit that.’”

Black Jesus Mati Dicekik Dan Dibunuh Pengikut Sendiri Untuk Mendapatkan Darah | Ajaran Sesat |

Port Moresby : Seorang pemimpin kumpulan agama yang menggelar dirinya Black Jesus dan diketahui membunuh pengikut sendiri untuk mendapatkan darah mereka, dibunuh dalam kawasan hutan di Papua New Guinea, semalam.

Black Jesus Mati Dicekik Dan Dibunuh Pengikut Sendiri Untuk Mendapatkan Darah | Ajaran Sesat

 Bekas penuntut Bible yang gagal dalam pembelajarannya, Stephen Tari dilaporkan pernah mengetuai 6,000 pengikutnya di kawasan pergunungan di negara itu.

 Enam tahun lalu Tari, 40, didakwa membunuh sekurang-kurangnya tiga remaja perempuan digelar sebagai Gadis Bunga dan ibu mereka dipaksa menyaksikan dia meminum darah mangsa.

 Menganggap dirinya sebagai “Jesus sebenar” Tari cuma disabitkan kesalahan atas tuduhan merogol tiga tahun lalu sebelum kerajaan memperkenalkan hukuman mati terhadap kesalahan bunuh atau rogol. Dia juga menjadi seorang daripada 48 banduan yang memboloskan diri dari penjara enam bulan lalu.

 Sejak itu, Tari menjadi pelarian dengan sejumlah pengikut sebelum hidupnya ditamatkan di tangan orang awam apabila membunuh seorang wanita dan cuba membunuh seorang yang lain.

Dikelilingi penduduk kampung, Tari dipercayai dibelasah dan dicekik hingga mati bersama seorang daripada pengikut setianya di kawasan terpencil Gal di utara wilayah Madang semalam.

Disebabkan lokasi kejadian jauh di pedalaman polis tidak dapat mengesahkan sama ada Tari benar-benar membunuh seorang wanita kerana mahu menghidupkan semula ajaran kepercayaannya.

 Ketua Polis Madang, Sylvester Kalaut berkata, tempat Tari dibunuh terletak beberapa kilometer dari bandar dan memerlukan masa kira-kira empat jam berjalan sebelum sampai ke situ.

 “Kami menghantar polis dan doktor ke situ untuk mengetahui punca kematian Tari,” katanya.

KESIAN !!! Budak 5 Tahun Melambung Setinggi 8 Kaki Disembur Air Pancut Di China (4 GAMBAR)

Seorang budak berusia 5 tahun melambung ke udara setinggi 8 kaki setelah dia bermain di kawasan air pancut di China. Baju kanak-kanak malang itu koyak dan cedera pada muka dan luka di seluruh badan setelah disembur dengan air berkelajuan tinggi. Kanak-kanak itu jatuh muka dahulu setelah melambung. Gambar kanak-kanak itu sempat dirakam oleh pengunjung yang melawat ke kawasan air pancut terkenal di wilayah Hubei itu.

Izreen Azminda Bengang Dan Marah Rakan Artis Di Instagram? (3 GAMBAR)

Beberapa minggu yang lalu, kehidupan Izreen Azminda dilihat cukup bahagia dan tenang dengan kehadiran bayi sulung yang lahir pada 13 Julai yang lepas.

 Namun tiada angin tiada ribut, Izreen Azminda tiba-tiba memuat naik sekeping foto mengandungi kata-kata tidak puas hati terhadap seseorang di Instagram malam semalam.

 Melalui perbualan antara Rita Rudaini dan Izreen di foto tersebut, difahamkan terdapat beberapa orang rakan selebriti yang memburuk-burukkan nama Izreen dan menabur fitnah terhadapnya.

 Apakah yang terjadi sebenarnya? Siapa pula pelakon berlagak alim yang dimaksudkan Izreen?

Blogger Dipersalahkan Kerana KL Gangster 2 .....

Muat turun percuma KL Gangster 2

Kecoh isu filem KL Gangster 2 bocor dan boleh dimuat turun secara percuma sebelum tayangannya pada 3 Oktober 2013. Pengarahnya Syamsul Yusof cukup marah dan kecewa dengan isu ini. Mana tidaknya, filem belum masuk panggung, dah ada rakyat Malaysia yang tengok; percuma pula tu.

Syamsul Yusof Pengarah KL Gangster 2 Kecewa dan Marah

Isu KL Gangster 2

 Filem kita wajah kita. Mungkin ramai rakyat Malaysia tak sabar nak tengok wajah-wajah sebenar rakyat kita yang menjadi gangster dalam filem tu; kerana itulah ramai yang cari alternatif untuk dapatkan ia secara percuma. Lagipun, memang sekarang soal gangterisma antara isu panas dalam dada akhbar Malaysia.

Blogger Malaysia Tidak Puas Hati

 Isu ini juga membangkitkan rasa tidak puas hati di kalangan blogger Malaysia. Kerana apa? kerana ramai berpendapat bahawa blogger tidak patut dipersalahkan seperti dalam kenyataan Syamsul Yusof menerusi twitternya.

 Anda boleh gelintar (search) di Google dan lihat apa kata blogger Malaysia mengenainya. Ini bukan soal blog menyediakan khidmat muat turun percuma tetapi soal bagaimana filem itu dibocorkan sehingga mudah didapati secara online.

 Bagi saya, yang patut dicari bukan blogger, tetapi pembocor atau individu yang bertanggungjawab sehingga membolehkan filem KL Gangster 2 itu dimuat turun secara percuma. Menyalahkan blogger dan mahu tindakan keras diambil kepada blogger, pada saya agak keterlaluan.

Yang patut diberikan tindakan keras adalah mereka yang memberikan sumber muat turun itu kepada blog dan laman web.

 Harus ingat, blogger Malaysia juga ambil peranan melariskan filem Malaysia. Berapa ramai blogger Malaysia yang buat review filem dan berjaya menyumbangkan hasil kutipan tiket wayang dan panggung.

Jangan sampai ada blogger yang boikot ..... filem yang dibikini (bikini?) dengan kos juta akan jadi satu bisnes filem yang rugi. 

 Carilah siapa yang tumpahkan nila dalam susu dan bukan si penjual susu yang mahu orang minum susu percuma.

Friday 30 August 2013

Lawmakers say Obama must do more to sell intervention in Syria

Lawmakers from both parties on Thursday evening said President Barack Obama had more work to do to sell a skeptical Congress and war-weary American public on the wisdom of U.S. military intervention in Syria.

Following a 90-minute briefing for lawmakers featuring top administration brass, members of Congress said the president still must build political support for military strikes against Syrian strongman Bashar Assad and his government.

“It’s a very tough situation with no good options," said Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. “It’s up to the president to sell this to the American people.” Representative Buck McKeon says he is 'disappointed' in President Obama regarding his response to the Syria conflict. Advertise | AdChoices He added, “[Americans] are very war-weary ... there are problems if we take action, there are problems if we don’t take action."

 The White House said in a statement characterizing the briefing: "The views of Congress are important to the president’s decision-making process, and we will continue to engage with members as the president reaches a decision on the appropriate U.S. response to the Syrian government’s violation of international norms against the use of chemical weapons."

Top Democrats came away from the briefing generally supportive of American military action against Syria, though a significant number of other Democrats have joined with GOP colleagues to demand a vote in Congress before the president takes any action.

 "Tonight's briefing reaffirmed for me that a decisive and consequential U.S. response is justified and warranted to protect Syrians, as well as to send a global message that chemical weapons attacks in violation of international law will not stand," said Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statement: "On the call, I agreed with Speaker Boehner and other Members who stated that there needs to be more consultation with all Members of Congress and additional transparency into the decision making process and timing, and that the case needs to be made to the American people.

 "It is clear that the American people are weary of war. However, Assad gassing his own people is an issue of our national security, regional stability and global security. We must be clear that the United States rejects the use of chemical weapons by Assad or any other regime," Pelosi's statement read.

 "What Assad has done is outside the realm of basic human rights." White House spokesman Josh Earnest offers some insight into the Obama administration's communication with members of Congress over Syria.

But the aftermath of Thursday's meeting made clear that Obama must do more to overcome mounting skepticism from lawmakers who question the prudence of U.S. involvement in Syria's protracted civil war.

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who supports intervention, said the administration would be "far better off if they seek authorization" from Congress.

And Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee, urged Obama to provide lethal aid to verified rebel groups in Syria "while we seek international support for limited, targeted strikes" — an implicit concession that the support isn't there yet.

 Indeed, the briefing came shortly after British lawmakers voted against Prime Minister David Cameron, who sought to join with the United States in launching military strikes against Assad, who stands accused of using chemical weapons against rebels earlier this month. Cameron said his government would "act accordingly," leaving President Barack Obama to weigh whether to proceed with an attack with little support from major allies.

Speakers on the call included Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, National Security Adviser Susan Rice, DNI Director James Clapper, and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral James Winnefeld, according to congressional sources familiar with the call.

The briefing, which was not classified because many lawmakers — who are away from Washington during their monthlong recess — had to call into the briefing, focused on laying out evidence of Assad's guilt in the widely publicized chemical weapons attack earlier this month. Officials are said to have laid out proof that Assad's brother was involved in the attack.

 "They weren’t specific in terms of ‘Person A named so-and-so did this and said that,'" said Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "They just said that they had intercepted communications talking about doing this.” Advertise | AdChoices

 Obama himself called House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, Ky., on Thursday to personally brief them about Syria. He did the same for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Wednesday.

But while Obama has won some level of support for retaliating against Assad for using chemical weapons, lawmakers are vocally insisting that Obama make his case before Obama and the public — perhaps allowing lawmakers to vote on the matter first.

 "While the administration has engaged in congressional consultation, they should continue to be forthcoming with information and would be far better off if they seek authorization based upon our national interests, which would provide the kind of public debate and legitimacy that can only come from Congress," said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The briefings were intended to build political support for military intervention in Syria after initial signs of resistance from Congress. A growing number of lawmakers have demanded a vote — as the U.K.'s Parliament had done on Thursday — before Obama proceeds with any action.

Beyond complaints about a lack of consultation, 116 House representatives (98 Republicans, 18 Democrats) signed a letter demanding a vote in Congress before any assault is launched against Syria. Fifty-four House Democrats (some of whom signed that first letter) wrote Obama on Thursday asking him to "seek an affirmative decision of Congress prior to committing any U.S. military engagement" in Syria.

Libertarians like Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., have also suggested that Obama lacks the power to order an attack against Syria, and moreover, Paul argued that Syria has "no national security connection to the United States." Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron tells the U.K. parliament Thursday that a possible British military response to alleged chemical weapons use in Syria won't be guided by the Obama administration.

All the while, the administration emphasized that Obama had not made any decision about how or whether to proceed with an attack.

 "The president hasn't made a decision yet," Vice President Joe Biden said at a morning event about guns at the White House. (Engel said after Thursday's briefing that the administration still hadn't made any decision.)

But while the administration had telegraphed its desire to proceed with targeted strikes as early as Thursday, that process has been slowed by internal political debates in the countries that had seemed poised to join an international coalition.

 Polls suggest the public has little appetite for U.S. involvement in Syria's protracted civil war. NBC News will release new figures on the matter on Friday morning.

But Congress' demand for more consultation from Obama threatens to delay the process further, thereby risking a slow bleed of public support from any attack. If lawmakers demand to first vote on intervention, it could delay matters further. Congress is set to return from its break on Sept. 9.

Coloring the whole debate is a public hangover from two extended wars in Iraq and Afghanistan last decade. Iraq, where American involvement was seen as elective and based on intelligence that turned out to be false, has particularly set the context for the debate about Syria. British lawmakers repeatedly invoked Iraq during their debate on Thursday.

 A State Department spokeswoman rejected the comparison on Thursday.

"Iraq and Syria are in no way analogous, we are not considering analogous responses in any way," spokeswoman Marie Harf said at the State Department.

Lelaki disoal polis kerana lukisan hina Islam

Lelaki disoal polis kerana lukisan hina Islam

Pelukis Anurendera Jegadeva disoal siasat polis hari ini selepas laporan polis dibuat terhadapnya kerana dikatakan menghina Islam, selepas blog pro Umno mendedahkannya.

Pameran lukisan di pusat membeli belah Publika, di Sri Hartamas didakwa menghina Islam apabila memaparkan satu lukisan pelukis yang dikenali sebagai J. Anu dengan tema "ABC For The Middle – Age Middle Classes".

Menurut laporan blog, artikel bertajuk "Lagi Penghinaan Terhadap Islam – Kini Di Publika Sri Hartamas" penulis berkenaan telah membuat laporan polis terhadap pameran tersebut, yang dijalankan di tingkat G2, di kawasan ruang legar pusat membeli belah berkenaan.

Pameran bertajuk Pameran Seni M50 – Selamat Hari Malaysia mempamerkan salah seorang pelukis bernama Anurendra Jegadeva dakwa penulis blog berkenaan melakarkan mesej penghinaan dengan menyebut "I for Idiot".

 "Seolah-olah menyatakan Islam itu untuk orang bodoh beserta dengan tulisan khat 'Basmallah' terbalik di bawahnya, yang jelas menunjukkan unsur niat yang jahat oleh pelukis tersebut. "Manakala untuk J dan K pula di buat 'J for Jesus' dan 'K for Krisna' – tanpa ada sebarang unsur penghinaan," memetik kenyataan di blog tersebut.

Ketua Polis Daerah Sentul Timbalan Komisioner Zakaria Pagan mengatakan, kertas siasatan telah dibuka di bawah Seksyen 298, Kanun Keseksaan kerana berniat untuk menghina agama seseorang. Ketika sambutan Ramadan sebelum ini, umat Islam dikejutkan dengan beberapa insiden penghinaan terhadap Islam, antaranya dua blogger seks, Alvin Tan dan Vivian Lee yang memuat naik gambar "berbuka puasa dengan bak kut teh" yang menimbulkan kemarahan majoriti umat Islam di negara ini.

Kedua-dua mereka bagaimanapun telah ditahan dan disoal siasat oleh pihak berkuasa dan dibicarakan mahkamah. Isu lain termasuklah penggunaan kalimah Allah, yang mana mahkamah telah memutuskan untuk menolak permohonan gereja Katolik mengetepikan permohonan Putrajaya merayu kes berkenaan.

Kematian eksekutif penerbangan AirAsia X penuh tragis

Kematian eksekutif penerbangan Shahrinawati Abu Bakar (gambar bawah) lebih tragis daripada laporan sebelum ini dengan fakta baru diterima.

Polis petang ini mengesahkan beliau bukan sahaja dilanggar malah barangannya turut dirompak.

Ketua Polis Ampang Amiruddin Jamaluddin berkata seorang saksi bersama rakannya membawa Shahrinawati ke hospital namun sudah terlambat.

 "Saksi melihat dua lelaki cuba merompak beliau. Dia kemudian mengundurkan kereta bagi menghalang penjenayah tetapi malangnya terkena mangsa," kata Amiruddin.

Laporan awal mendapati mangsa maut disebabkan cedera parah namun hasil penyiasatan mendapati sebaliknya.

Dua penjenayah melarikan diri menggunakan motosikal Yamaha LC berwarna hitam dan seorang daripada mereka keciciran dompet.

Kejadian berlaku di hadapan kondominium Palm Villa di Taman Cempaka di mana mangsa tinggal bersama tiga adiknya.

Shahrinawati, 30, diserang ketika keluar dari kenderaan pada jam 2.45 pagi. Siti Mariam Mohd Hanif, 23, rakan kepada mangsa, berkata Shahrinawati seorang ketua yang baik.

 "Dia seorang yang tegas bila bekerja dan dihormati ramai," katanya yang kali terakhir berjumpa mangsa pada petang Rabu ketika sesi taklimat.

Bapa mangsa, Abu Bakar Jemain, 53, ketika ditemui di rumah mayat Hospital Kuala Lumpur kelihatan tenang. "Ini sudah ditakdirkan.

Biar polis yang menyiasat," katanya. Rakan dan saudara hadir ke Masjid Nurul Hidayah Pandan Indah petang tadi bagi memberikan penghormatan terakhir.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Sah Michael Douglas dan Catherine Zeta Jones Berpisah

Sah Michael Douglas dan Catherine Zeta Jones Berpisah

Pasangan pelakon Hollywood gred A, Michael Douglas,68 dan Catherine Zeta-Jones,43 telah disahkan berpisah selepas 13 tahun mendirikan rumah tangga.

 Pengesahakan itu telah diberitahu sendiri oleh pihak publisis kepada Catherine Zeta Jones kepada pihak BBC News.

 Laporan memberi tahu bahawa pasangan berkenaan sudah berpisah sejak beberapa bulan lalu selepas dikesan masing-masing sering menghadiri acara karpet merah secara bersendirian.

 Perpisahan dibuat kerana Douglas dan Zeta-Jones inginkan sedikit ruang dan masa dalam hubungan mereka.

 Malah perpisahan itu juga ada kaitan dengan keadaan pasangan berkenaan, di mana Douglas sedang sengsara kanser tekak sejak 2010, manakala Zeta-Jones pula berhadapan dengan masalah bipolar.

 Mereka telah berkahwin pada tahun 2000 selepas pertama kali dipertemukan di Deauville Film Festival di Perancis dua tahun sebelum itu.

 Perkahwinan bahagia mereka berdua telah dikurniakan dengan dua orang cahayamata iaitu Dylan, 13, dan juga Carys, 10.

 Sumber juga memberitahu, pasangan itu bagaimanapun, belum memfailkan tuntutan cerai secara rasmi, namun sedar bahawa perpisahan adalah terbaik untuk menyelamatkan hubungan mereka.

 Sebelum mengahwini Zeta-Jones, aktor berpengaruh itu telahpun berkahwin dengan Diandra pada 1977 dan berpisah pada 1995.

 Bagaimananpun kerana mahu mengahwini Zeta-Jones, mereka perlu berpisah secara rasmi dan menyebabkan bekas isteri Michael Douglas itu telah menerima wang sebanyak Pound Sterling 44 juta.

(2 GAMBAR)Mayat Bapa Di Bonet Kereta

RANTAU PANJANG – Seorang anak terkejut apabila mendapati bapa tirinya ditemui mati dalam keadaan membongkok dekat bonet kereta Proton Saga, jam 1.30 petang semalam, di Taman Wahyu.

 Rosli Hamzah, 45, berkata, arwah bapa tirinya Ghazali Abdullah, 64, dipercayai cuba mengangkat tong gas memasak yang kosong ke kedai, di sini.

 “Tong gas kosong masih berada di dalam bonet kereta manakala kedua-dua tangannya seakan cuba mencapai tong berkenaan.

 “Mungkin ketika itu ayah sesak nafas kemudian diserang penyakit jantung lalu meninggal dunia,” katanya. Menurutnya, arwah yang tinggal bersama ibunya dekat Golok, pernah dimasukkan ke unit rawatan rapi akibat penyakit sama.

 Rosli berkata, dia tidak menyangka perbualannya bersama arwah pagi tadi (semalam) adalah pertemuan terakhir.

 Sementara itu, anak ke empat daripada enam beradik, Norizam Ghazali, 45, berkata, dia hanya mengetahui kejadian yang berlaku setelah dihubungi saudaranya.

 “Arwah akan dikebumikan di tanah perkuburan Islam Rantau Panjang, selepas subuh esok (hari ini),” katanya.

 Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Pasir Mas, Asisten Komisioner Haliludin Rahim berkata, mayat Ghazali dihantar ke Hospital Pasir Mas untuk bedah siasat.

 “Siasatan awal mendapati tiada unsur jenayah dan mangsa mati mengejut” katanya semalam.

Mesti Baca! Kesan Sampingan Pemakaian Tuala Wanita

Bahaya tuala wanita sudah sekian lama kita tahu, tapi hari ini, Puteri kongsikan satu artikel yang Puteri baca di SINI untuk peringatan kepada diri Puteri sendiri dan juga kepada semua wanita di luar sana. Cegah sebelum terlambat. Jom sama-sama kita baca =)

 Tuala wanita atau pad bersifat sebagai bahan penyerap yang digunakan oleh wanita apabila datang haid, darah nifas, selepas keguguran atau menjalani pembedahan anggota peranakan untuk menyerap darah yang keluar dari faraj.

 Kebanyakan tuala wanita yang biasa diguna pakai adalah tuala pakai-buang dan diperbuat daripada kapas serta rayon. Bahan yang ada di tengah-tengah tuala jenis ini mempunyai daya serapan yang kuat dan akan bertindak menjadi gel apabila ia menyerap cecair.

Ramai tidak menyedari bahawa bahan berwarna putih itu mengandungi banyak bahan kimia semasa ianya diproses dan juga penyebab kenapa ada sesetengah wanita terpaksa menghadapi masalah alahan dan keradangan pada bahagian vulva serta faraj.

2 300x300 Mesti Baca! Kesan Sampingan Pemakaian Tuala Wanita

 Berikut disenaraikan beberapa kesan sampingan yang mungkin terjadi akibat pemakaian tuala wanita

 1. Alahan kepada bahan kimia yang ada pada tuala wanita boleh terjadi tanpa mengira tempoh pemakaian sama ada jangka masa pendek atau lama. Ia digelar `irritant contact dermatitis’ atau keradangan pada kulit. Simptom utama adalah gatal, rasa panas terbakar dan bengkak pada alat kelamin. Tanda seperti ruam yang kadangkala berair, kulit merah dan melecet dan lelehan faraj berlebihan juga kesan alahan.

 2. Radang pada alat kelamin iaitu sekitar vulva akibat sensitiviti terhadap bahan terkandung pada tuala wanita dipanggil `vulvitis’. Tandanya adalah rasa tidak selesa, panas pada kulit luar dan mungkin kegatalan. Radang boleh terjadi jika pemakai memakai tuala wanita dalam jangka masa lama.

 3. Melecet pada kulit luar alat kelamin akibat geseran antara tuala dan kulit semasa berjalan atau bergerak. Situasi ini mudah berlaku sekiranya anda tergolong dalam kategori kulit kering. Tanda yang timbul ialah rasa sakit atau tidak selesa dan pedih apabila terkena air.

 4. Jangkitan kuman di vulva dan vagina yang serius. Jangkitan virus ini juga boleh menyebabkan kanser rahim!

 P/S : Memakai tuala wanita terlalu lama menyebabkan bakteria membiak dengan cepat dan banyak di atas tuala wanita seterusnya mengakibatkan jangkitan pada vulva dan vagina. Sekiranya berpanjangan, jangkitan kulat mungkin terjadi. Kesimpulannya, kaum wanita diluar sana dinasihatkan supaya menitikberatkan kesihatan dan kebersihan sistem repoduktif masing-masing. Tuala wanita harus ditukar secara kerap terutama jika ianya sudah dipenuhni dengan darah kotor yang keluar. Sekurang-kurangnya tukar setiap tiga atau empat jam sekali.

Aaron Kwok calls police to distract paparazzi

Aaron Kwok calls police to distract paparazzi

Despite having denied his relationship with model Anna Kay earlier, Hong Kong actor Aaron Kwok was at a loss when he was caught with the model at his apartment recently, and he had to call the police to disperse the paparazzi swarming outside his residence.

As reported on QQ website, on the night of 25 August, the Hong Kong paparazzi was alerted that Anna, who had spent a day at the "Cold War" actor's place last month, is back in Hong Kong and has been staying at Aaron's place.

At 9pm, the paparazzi spotted that the curtains at his house were moving, showing that there is someone trying to take a peek to make sure that the coast is clear.

Two hours later, the police arrived, saying that someone had made a call to them and reported about a mass gathering outside the apartment and quickly dispersed the paparazzi.

A few minutes after, a seven-seater car exited the premise with its curtains drawn, prompting several photographers to chase the vehicle, while others stayed put.

An hour later, approximately 12.20am, another car, owned by Aaron's good friend Eric Chow, exited the place with the 26-year-old model inside.

Upon realising that they were still tailed by the paparazzi, Eric dropped Anna off at a nearby apartment where she then took another car to leave.

Manfaat senyum yang anda tidak tahu

Tersenyum mungkin kelihatan seperti tindak balas spontan terhadap sesuatu yang comel atau lucu, tetapi ia adalah lebih daripada itu. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa tersenyum secara rela atau terpaksa boleh memberi kesan yang positif kepada emosi anda, mengurangkan tahap tekanan, dan juga membuat semua orang di sekeliling anda berasa lebih baik.

 Dengan hanya satu senyuman, ia memberi seribu makna pada seseorang. Senyuman juga memperlihatkan kecantikan semulajadi anda.

 Mari lihat 5 manfaat yang anda perolehi apabila anda tersenyum.

 Senyuman itu berjangkit 

 Akibat aktiviti otak yang kompleks yang berlaku apabila anda melihat seseorang tersenyum, senyuman itu boleh berjangkit. Kajian mendapati bahawa dengan melihat seseorang tersenyum akan mengaktifkan kawasan otak yang mengawal pergerakan muka sehingga membawa kepada senyuman.

 Senyuman mengurangkan tekanan 

 Memang tidak mudah untuk tersenyum dalam keadaan tertekan, tetapi dengan tersenyum akan mengurangkan tekanan yang di hadapi. Caranya, apabila anda tertekan, cuba ambil masa 10 minit untuk melihat sesuatu yang membuatkan anda gembira. Mungkin gambar, video atau apa-apa sahaja. Pasti tekanan yang dirasai akan berkurangan.

 Senyuman menguatkan sistem imun anda 

 Dengan tersenyum, sistem imun anda akan bertambah kuat dengan membuatkan badan anda menghasilkan sel -sel darah putih unutk mebantu anda melawan penyakit. Kajian menunjukkan seorang kanak – kanak yang kerap di kunjungi oleh pelawat yang membuatkan dia tersenyum mempunyai sel darah putih yang lebih tinggi daripada kanak – kanak yang tidak di lawati.

 Solekan tampak indah

 Senyuman merupakan solekan paling cantik. Cukup dengan bersolek nipis sahaja ke pejabat. Senyum lah dengan ikhlas anda pasti nampak lebih menarik.

 Senyuman membahagiakan orang lain 

 Jika seseorang yang anda tidak kenali tersenyum kepada anda dan anda membalas kembali senyumannya, secara tidak langsung akan terbit rasa bahagia pada orang itu.

OH!! Tanda Putera mula tayangan dengan 12 penonton Melayu

Tanda Putera mula tayangan dengan 12 penonton Melayu

Filem kontroversi Tanda Putera mula ditayangkan hari ini dengan dewan tayangan di Mid Valley Megamall pada jam 11 pagi hanya menarik 12 penonton.

 Tinjauan The Malaysian Insider mendapati kebanyakan penonton juga adalah komuniti Melayu yang terdiri daripada kakitangan kerajaan.

Mereka bagaimanapun melihat filem kisah hidup Tun Abdul Razak, perdana menteri kedua itu tidak membawa sebarang mesej perkauman, sebaliknya segala dakwaan rasis dan perkauman dalam jalan cerita filem itu adalah untuk menunjukkan latar belakang dan jalan cerita.

"Saya melihat tiada isu perkauman, saya tidak nampak jalan cerita menyentuh isu perkauman, ia hanya menunjukkan jalan cerita, lagipun ia adalah fakta sejarah sebenarnya," kata Mohd Razif Ahmad Fuad, 30, seorang penjawat awam ketika ditemui The Malaysian Insider.

Filem berkenaan sebelum ini menerima kritikan keras pelbagai pihak termasuk DAP yang mendakwa fakta berkenaan insiden 13 Mei dalam filem itu diseleweng, termasuk babak "kencing di tiang bendera."

 Babak berkenaan bagaimanapun masih dipaparkan dalam filem itu. Hanim Azira, 29, bagaimanapun menegaskan filem berkenaan adalah hasil yang baik menunjukkan bagaimana tokoh negara akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk menyelamatkan negara.

 "Ia filem yang bagus. Menunjukkan tokoh sanggup lakukan apa sahaja demi negara," katanya yang bekerja sebagai broker. Rakan Hanim, Zaidi Sidek, 33, juga melihat filem itu tidak menimbulkan isu perkauman sebaliknya lebih menjurus kepada semangat patriotik.

Kedua-dua mereka turut mengakui mengambil cuti semata-mata untuk menonton Tanda Putera.

 Isu dan kontroversi yang menyelubungi filem arahan Datin Paduka Shuhaimi Baba itu juga berjaya menarik penonton apabila seorang remaja mengakui menonton filem berkenaan selepas kontroversi itu dipaparkan media.

 "Saya tonton kerana dengar kontroversi dan selepas menontonnya saya berpendapat tiada isu rasis, tetapi ia bergantung kepada penerimaan penonton," katanya yang enggan dikenali. – 29 Ogos, 2013.

'Putin in underwear' artist seeks asylum in France

A painting of Putin and Medvedev by Konstantin Altunin at the "Leaders" exhibition in St. Petersburg, August 21, 2013
A Russian artist said Thursday he has fled to France and is applying for asylum after police seized his painting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in women's underwear.

Police on Tuesday raided an exhibition in the northwestern city of Saint Petersburg, which next week hosts the G20 summit, and confiscated works including a painting of Putin in a strappy nightie and Medvedev in a bra and skimpy knickers.

 The artist, Konstantin Altunin, 45, said by telephone from Paris that he had requested political asylum and was now gathering the necessary documents.

"Yesterday I went to the prefecture in Paris... and made this request. I now need to go through the procedure and bring written confirmation of where I am staying," he said.

Altunin said he flew out of Russia as soon as he heard that the exhibition had been shut down on Tuesday evening and the organisers had been detained by police and questioned into the night.

 He said that the police had described the exhibition at the newly opened Museum of the Authorities as extremist and he feared criminal charges.

"They have already said directly that my exhibition is extremist -- that's a very serious charge," he said.

The exhibition also included paintings of Lenin and Stalin. Altunin said he had expected the authorities would view the works with humour and was shocked by their reaction.

 "They just said 'We don't like it' and sealed up the doors and that was it. I don't think there is such backwardness in any other country."

Altunin said he had created the painting of Putin and Medvedev when
they announced in 2011 a job swap with Putin returning to the Kremlin and Medvedev becoming prime minister.

 "It is absolutely innocent irony," he said. Police also confiscated a painting of local lawmaker Vitaly Milonov, known for his backing of a controversial law banning the promotion of homosexuality to minors that Putin signed into law this summer.

 Altunin said the organisers of the exhibition had commissioned him to paint the portrait, which shows Milonov with the rainbow flag of the gay pride movement.

The director of the Museum of the Authorities, Alexander Donskoi, told AFP that Altunin had not yet been charged with any crime. "He is not charged with anything, but if the authorities confiscated the paintings, they could do anything."

Global stocks rise as talk of a Syria strike eases

(Shizuo Kambayashi/ Associated Press ) - A man watches an electronic stock indicator in Tokyo, Thursday, Aug. 29, 2013. Asian stock markets rebounded Thursday as jitters began to ease about a possible international military response to the Syrian conflict. Japan’s Nikkei 225 index rose 0.8 percent to 13,440.39.

BANGKOK (AP) — Global stock markets rebounded Thursday as jitters began to ease about a possible international military response to the Syrian conflict.

 The U.S. appeared to be edging closer to intervention in Syria after Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Tuesday that American forces were ready to act on any order by President Barack Obama. But the prospect of an immediate multinational response diminished Wednesday after the U.N. Security Council's permanent members failed to agree to a proposal to use force against Syria.

 Investors have been reducing exposure to Asia's emerging markets for several weeks, anticipating that the U.S. Federal Reserve will begin withdrawing its monetary stimulus. The sell-off accelerated this week when the U.S. said it had proof that chemical weapons had been used against civilians in Syria's civil war.

 VIDEO: Syria Strike to Drive Rotation to Bonds: Battle

The respite in tensions sent investors on a bargain-hunting spree.

 "The market already had a significant drop," said Linus Yip, strategist at First Shanghai Securities in Hong Kong. "So I think for some traders, it's a good time to bet."

 In early European trading, Britain's FTSE 100 rose 0.7 percent to 6,475.45. Germany's DAX advanced 0.4 percent to 8,193.73. France's CAC-40 added 0.4 percent to 3,976.58. Wall Street futures signaled a higher open. Dow Jones futures rose 0.3 percent to 14,848. S&P 500 futures rose 0.3 percent to 1,637.20.

VIDEO: U.S. Stocks May Fall 3-4% on Syria Strike: Wilbanks

Asian stocks also posted solid gains. Japan's Nikkei 225 index rose 0.9 percent to close at 13,459.71. South Korea's Kospi advanced 1.2 percent to 1,907.54. Hong Kong's Hang Seng rose 0.7 percent to 21,704.78. Australia's S&P/ASX 200 gained 0.1 percent to 5,092.40.

 The benchmark PSE index in Manila rose 3.6 percent after data showed the Philippine economy expanded by 7.5 percent in the second quarter, one of Asia's fastest growing, as robust domestic spending insulated it from weak global demand.

 "The most encouraging aspect of today's data was the continued strong growth in investment," said analysts at Capital Economics. "Recent improvements in the business environment as well as an ongoing clampdown against corruption should further support investment in the next couple of years."

 VIDEO: Syria Conflict Inspires Global War of Words

Among individual stocks, energy shares rose sharply after oil prices hit a two-year high Wednesday. Japanese energy explorer Inpex Corp. jumped 5.2 percent. PetroChina Co. rose 1.8 percent.

 Qantas Airways soared nearly 14 percent after the Australia flag carrier reported a modest annual profit, a sign of recovery after a record loss the year before.

 Benchmark oil for October delivery was down $1.10 to $109 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose $1.09 to close at $110.10 a barrel on Wednesday, its highest finish since May 3, 2011.

 VIDEO: Markets Unsettled By Strike Fears

 In currencies, the euro fell to $1.3271 from $1.3337 late Wednesday. The dollar rose to 98.08 yen from 97.74 yen.

Syria: Who wants what after chemical weapons horror

A Free Syrian Army fighter takes position behind sandbags in the old city of Aleppo, Syria, on Tuesday, August 27. Syria has warned Western leaders against taking any military action after international outrage over the country's suspected use of chemical weapons. Tensions in Syria began to flare in March 2011 and have escalated into an ongoing civil war. Click through to view the most compelling images taken since the start of the conflict.

(CNN) -- The ripple effects of an alleged chemical attack in Syria are being felt across the globe. The rhetoric is ratcheting up with talk of punishing Syria, even though Syria denies using chemical weapons. Allies of President Bashar al-Assad accuse the rebel forces of carrying out the chemical strike.
Meanwhile rebel forces, who also deny responsibility for the strike, say 1,300 people died in the attacks on the outskirts of Damascus. CNN correspondents and experts explain the different positions of some key nations involved in preparing for -- or warning against -- international military attacks on Syria.
United States
As the guarantor of international order the United States has to do something after the large scale use of chemical weapons, and the United States believes the Assad regime was responsible for the attacks.
But it faces something of a quandary. Launching the kind of large-scale campaign necessary to topple Assad would be lengthy and whoever replaces Assad could be even worse for U.S. interests than Assad himself, given the fact that the most successful opposition groups on the ground are aligned with al Qaeda.
So, the military intervention has to be large enough to punish Assad but not so large as to actually overthrow him. For U.S. policymakers this is the least bad decision they likely feel they can make.
Obama reacts to Syria chemical crisis
U.N. Security Council deadlocked on Syria
The woman behind al- Assad's regime
It is a long-time ally of Syria and wants to keep its influence.
China says it is firmly opposed to the use of chemical weapons and supports the U.N. chemical weapons inspectors. It wants the inspectors to be able to do their job and has warned against prejudging the results.
It also says it wants peace and suggests continuing with the second Geneva Conference on Syria, an initiative that is currently in doubt.
"A political solution is always the only realistic means to resolve the Syria issue," Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.
It doesn't want a repeat of Libya or Iraq.
Much has been said about Russia trying to protect the Syrian government because of its military and economic interests in the country but Russia's key policy goal is blocking American efforts to shape the region.
Russia doesn't believe revolutions, wars and regime change bring stability and democracy. It often points to the Arab Spring and the U.S.-led war in Iraq as evidence.
Russia also doesn't trust U.S. intentions in the region. It believes humanitarian concerns are often used an excuse for pursuing America's own political and economic interests.
Russia has maintained influence throughout the conflict by using its veto in the U.N. Security Council to shield Syria from international pressure. But it's unclear if the U.S. and its allies will rely on a U.N. mandate to launch any military strike.
What a U.S. strike on Syria might entail
Syrian intervention: Case for and against
Russia's take on intervention in Syria
For Iran, Syria is a strategically key ally
Iran's position, as outlined by Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and new President Hassan Rouhani, is that the Syrian government is a victim of international plots.
Iran believes the West and almost all Arab countries are in cahoots in an effort to implement regime change in Syria. Iran says the main objective of this plot is to make the region safer for Israel.
Syria was also Iran's only Arab ally during its eight-year war with Iraq, and Syria together with the Hezbollah-controlled areas of Lebanon are considered to be Tehran's first line of defense in case of an attack on Iran by Israel or the West.
So, Iran's interest in Syria is motivated by its longtime friendship, as well as Syria's strategic importance for Tehran.
United Kingdom
Prime Minister David Cameron is pushing for a vote in parliament on taking part in military action in response to the Syrian attacks. He says any response needs to be proportionate, legal and aimed at deterring the use of chemical weapons.
Britain has also taken a prominent role in efforts to secure a U.N. resolution on the matter.
"It's time that the United Nations Security Council shouldered its responsibilities on Syria, which for the past two and a half years it's failed to do," Foreign Secretary William Hague said.
Hague has warned, though, that even if China and Russia block a security council resolution, Britain and other nations "still have a responsibility" to act.
It wants to stay out of trouble.
Jordan wants a diplomatic solution but it was also host to a military meeting involving the United States, European nations, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar. Despite that meeting, Jordan does not want to be seen as hosting the meeting where it is decided there will be intervention in Syria.
Jordan feels that would put them in a dangerous situation with possible missile strikes from Syria and terror strikes precipitated by the Syrian regime.
It is an open secret that Saudi Arabia is using Jordan to smuggle weapons into Syria for the rebels. Jordan says it is doing all it can to prevent that and does not want to inflame the situation in Syria.
Jordan is feeling vulnerable, buffeted by the Arab Spring and internal tensions such as allegations of official corruption and a less popular king, and it wants to stay out of trouble.
President Francois Hollande says France has a duty to protect civilians in Syria and will increase military aid to opposition groups. He also says France is "ready to punish those who made the decision to gas these innocent people."
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says it is ready for any scenario and is warning Syria he will respond with force if Israel is attacked.
Saudi Arabia
Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal says the Syrian government has lost its Arab identity and has called for "firm and serious" action.

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